Conveyance Deed

Conveyance Deed

Соnveyаnсe of а Property is transferring the Right, Title, Interest and Ownership of the Property from the Seller to the Purchaser. It is mandatory for land owners/developers to convey the title of the land within 4 months after the formation of the Co-operative Housing Society.

Docomnt list for Conveyance Deed
  1. Society Registration certificate
  2. Agreement to sale (builder to first owner)
  3. Development Agreement 
  4. Power of Attorney
  5. Title and Search Report of Property
  6. NA Order
  7. Commencement certificate
  8. Completion certificate  
  9. Member list 
  10. Sanction Layout Plan 
  11. All flat/shop/office/unit holders index – II 
  12. Society Resolution on Letter head of the Society
  13. Architect Certificate etc.
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